
Create Test Cases! Try and do things that might break your code. Be fearless. But be fair; do not violate the given preconditions.

Import the run_tests file to do this.

#  Author:
#  Date:
#  harder_functions.py
# Make these happen using RECURSION!

from rt import close_enough, run_test, run_test_float
###################Problem 1################
def rectangle(m, n):
    """Precondition: m and n are nonnegative integers.
Postcondition:  returns a string containing
a rectangle of *s to the screen that 
has m rows and n columns"""

###################Problem 2################
def power(base, exp):
    """prec:  base is a number, exp is an integer`
postc: computes base**exp from scratch (no using libraries
or built-in functions).  Pay attention to the case where exp < 0!"""
    return 1
###################Problem 3################
def convert_to_binary(n):
    """prec: n is an integer
    postc: retrns a string containing a binary representation of n.
    return """
###################Problem 4################
def sum_of_digits(n):
    """precondition: n is an integer
postcondition:  returns the sum of the digits of n.  You should
be able to take negative input; in such cases disregard the - sign.  """
    return 0
###################Problem 5################
def super_summer(f, n):
    """precondition: f is a function that is defined for all nonnegative
postcondition:  returns sum(f(k), k = 1..n) """
    return 0
###################Problem 6################
def reverse_string(x):
    """prec: x is a string
    postc:  return a string containing x is reverse."""
    return ""
###################Problem 7################
def sum_from(n, x):
    """prec:  n is an integer, x is a list of integers.
postc: returns a sublist of x whose sum is n if it exists
and the graveyard object None otherwise.  """
    return None

def main():
    # run your tests in this main function
    print("###################Problem 1################")
    print("###################Problem 2################")
    print("###################Problem 3################")
    print("###################Problem 4################")
    print("###################Problem 5################")
    print("###################Problem 6################")
    print("###################Problem 7################")
